NEW: Ad Creative Ideation Guru Bot, ASC+ Myths

I built a Custom ChatGPT to give you new ad ideas by just entering your "brand URL".

Grab this Ad Creative Ideation Guru GPT here:

  1. Enter your brand URL
  2. The CustomGPT analyzes - relevant highest search volume keywords - subreddits for problems and motivations.
  3. Maps it to key - mass desires - pain points
  4. Then, it gives you a thorough video and static ad brief

See it live in action

LATEST Update: Based on feedback - I added insight for "Suggested UGC Creator " based on the brand's target persona.

Any other comments or feedback on this GPT? Do let me know via replying to this email.

10 Hidden Facts About Adv+ Shopping Campaigns (don’t miss this)

Adv+ Shopping campaigns have been a major breakthrough for Meta ads since 2022.

πŸ†˜ But there are some important caveats to keep in mind.

  1. ASC+ campaigns are heavily focused on MOFU/BOFU (i.e., existing users or website visitors).
  2. Even if you set a 0% cap on existing users, the algorithm still prioritizes β€œengaged users.”
  3. ASC+ with catalog ads/DPA can be extremely effective.
  4. Avoid running multiple ASC+ campaigns for the same product; 80% of the time, one ASC+ campaign is enough.
  5. (EDGE Cases) Launch separate ASC+ campaigns for different creative types: - Catalog-only - Static-only - Video-only
  6. New brands should steer clear of ASC+ unless they have plenty of creative assets and platform data.
  7. ASC+ often targets the same user groups, leading to quicker creative fatigue.
  8. Use ASC+ in conjunction with other campaign types.
  9. Seasonality has a significant impact on ASC+ performance.
  10. Make sure to add audience insights ASAP:

Go to ad account settings > Navigate to Audience Segments > Define & Add Engaged Audience (Website 180D visitors, Email Subs) Existing Audience (Purchasers, Past conversions)


Aniruddha Mishra

Performance Marketing Consultant

PS: I know ad performance is critical to your success. My Meta Ads Toolkit has helped many marketers, brands, and agencies overcome similar challenges. For a one-time cost of $129, you can get it here and have a complimentary 1:1 call with me.

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Aniruddha Mishra

πŸ† Unlock 100+ ad creative inspirations across categories! Grab them now! πŸ‘‡

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